The son Gert Verhulst was to share the father with Samson | Now


Viktor, son of Gert Verhulst, liked the fact that his father belonged to the children's series Samson and Gert . "I've always had to share my father with Samson, but I loved it." "I always organize an episode on weekends," says young Verhulst in an interview in the Belgian magazine Humo .

Viktor started at the bottom of Studio 100, his father founded a company that notably launched Kabouter Plop, K3 and Het Huis Anubis

"I worked at Plopsaland's complaints department ( Amusement Park red.), And during the weekend, I worked as a merchandise at Studio 100 shows, where I became fascinated by the operation of these shows. "

" These are great steps "

Meanwhile, father and son are working again. together for a moment, including for the highly-watched broadcast Gert La at night . But it was unthinkable that Viktor followed his father in the media for a long time.

"Finally, I dared to allow myself to think that my happiness might be in the media, which have been banned for years, an unconscious resistance, I now think, the desire not to explicitly follow in the footsteps of my father, and also a little bit of fear, maybe that's big steps, huh, at one point, I realized that I had my own veto against work in the media but had to cancel. "

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