Young people who hinder the employment of the elderly (or the other way around) almost do not happen. Other forms of displacement on the labor market are not published in the Netherlands
. This conclusion is drawn by the Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) and the Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP) of the Netherlands. Punishment occurs at most in the lower end of the labor market, but people do not consider it the most important problem.
The two planning agencies examined, among other things, the movement between the elderly and the young, between those with little or no education and migrants. Punishment could occur, for example, for young people who are struggling to find a job because older people have to work longer now. An important reason for this is that the economy grows when a new group enters the labor market
In addition, young people have different skills from those of older people, so that & # 39; 39, they complement each other. Demand for highly educated people in the labor market is also growing faster than that of highly educated people entering the labor market. As a result, highly educated people are unlikely to work below their level of travel. This risk increases during a recession.
Migrant workers often do work that the Dutch do not want to do, even if some migrants have moved to the bottom of the labor market. Moreover, the CPB and the SCP emphasize that it is not true that there is no displacement in individual cases. But research shows that it is really exceptions.
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