During the latest animated short film "Reunion", you can see McCree face an old friend, Ashe. This cowgirl and leader of the band Deadlock Gang is the newest and, with her, the 29th hero of Overwatch.
Ashe has a rifle & # 39; The Viper & # 39; with which she can pulverize her enemies. His ultimate ability is something that has never been seen in Overwatch, as Ashe can call a gigantic robot called BOB to fight it.
She uses dynamite with which she can hurt her enemies, just like the Junkrat Hero's C4 Hero can also be cast on the opponent. However, the difference is that dynamite also ignites enemies, which in the long run also inflicts damage.
Her last power is "Coach Gun", with which she can hit an enemy in front of her who again overthrow . It can also be used to stop the ultimate.
That does not stop there. However, in the short film "Meeting", you can also see that Jesse McCree wakes up a robot named Echo. Jeff Kaplan briefly said that he would act as a hero, but that it is still too early to release him.
The moment when Ashe will be available in Overwatch is not announced.
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