The Dismissal Act has radically changed, with consequences for employers and employees


Political journalist Marleen de Rooy: "In the Netherlands, too many people work on a temporary short-term contract, said the government, which is a problem because they are not familiar with their finances and, for example, do not make pensions work, because it becomes more attractive to employers. "

It is therefore easier to release employees who hold a permanent job. Making people work on a flexible contract is more expensive for employers. They will pay more unemployment bonuses for these employees.

All permanent employees and flexible workers are entitled to severance pay from the first day, even if there is a period of probation. For each year of work, the allowance corresponds to one third of the monthly salary.

Previously, the employers organization VNO-NCW and the FNV trade union had previously criticized a number of aspects of the law. The two organizations did not want to react much today, while waiting for the official cabinet presentation. However, the FNV says that weakening the situation of employees is not a solution.

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