After eight years at the monastery, Yudi gave his life a new …


For years, the Colombian Yudi Pineda lived in a monastery, isolated from the rest of the world. However, when she fell in love with one of her mentors, she concluded that nun's life was nothing for her. Coincidentally, she's entered the porn world, and that's where she's heading. But she still does not miss Sunday Mass.

She was barely ten years old when the sisters of the local monastery went to her school to talk about their lives. "I immediately knew that I wanted to do that," says Yudi Pineda, 28. For eight years, she will stay in the monastery and learn more and more about what it means to devote one's life to God.

Although she felt very happy for years, she quickly realized that celibacy was nothing to her when she fell in love with one of her teachers. religion. She decided to resign and first worked for Nestlé for a while, but she then met Juan Bustos.

Bustos had a website for erotic webcam sessions and looking for models. He asked her to come to a casting, and although her priest was still trying to silence her, Yudi continued. She was immediately accepted.

"At first, I felt bad about it, but now I think it's okay, I feel so good when I go to church, I never miss the Friday prayer, the meetings Saturday or Sunday. "She also sees nothing bad in her new career and calls it" healthy and artistic ".

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