Director Willem II: "The afternoon of our supporters goes bad"


"It's really disappointing," says director Willem Van Gool Willem II. He does not talk about the match that just ended, Willem II bowing 2-0 against Ajax. "Our supporters have been badly treated this afternoon, their afternoons are sick."

Emergency Ordinance

The mayor of Amsterdam, Femke Halsema, issued an emergency order. About two hundred supporters of Willem II were arrested at Amsterdam Central Station

The municipality and the police received "signals" indicating that there would be a clash between the residents of Tilburg and the supporters of Ajax in downtown. Van Gool: "The reason apparently was outside our supporters of Willem II."

"Too sick for words"

That said also the supporters who were held this afternoon. "We really do not know anything about a confrontation, it's too dead for the floor," said a supporter.

They had to be escorted to the stadium under police escort and could not go further. Van Gool did not receive any riot signal from residents of Tilburg. "For us, the reason for the order of urgency was totally obscure, I can not imagine that there would be a battle."


Supporters were held for hours in a box at the Johan Cruyff Arena. "It's actually a wonder how it went there." Van Gool refers to the fact that fans remained silent throughout the afternoon and evening and that the police did not have to intervene. "But it was a nice afternoon for the boys."

Van Gool will discuss the day with the municipality, the police and the counterpart for a long time. "We have to start evaluating that properly because we have a lot of questions."

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