Jan S., a prominent cancer researcher, resigned from the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL) of the Dutch Cancer Institute after a Ph.D. student complained about cross-border sexual behavior.
request of the board of directors, written NRC . The newspaper had access to the report. This showed that several complaints had been filed against S. and a report of cross-border behavior.
S., also a part-time professor at the University of Utrecht, was both the promoter and trainer in clinical pharmacology of the PhD student. He said that he felt "more than just friendship" for the PhD student, who indicated that these feelings were not mutual.
Nevertheless, S. did not give up and "happened things that I did not want," said the PhD student during a conversation. . After this incident, she changes promoter. She writes an e-mail to S in which she proposes limitations for the contact, but here he does not adhere.
S. confirms history at NRC . "I am very sorry for all those involved that I have done it." What happened is not appropriate in the proportions given to work. "
The concerned doctoral student is" relieved "that S. is absent from the hospital." He had told me that his feelings would not go away as long as we would work together in the NKI-AVL, but I had the opportunity to stop myself on my doctoral path, but it was the opposite world. Then start a complaint procedure, also because I want to prevent that from happening as well. "
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