Square Enix released a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III. The trailer presents the universe of the magical and entangled kingdom of Corona, featuring such well-known characters as Rapunzel and the regular trio of Sora, Goofy and Donald Duck.
Kingdom Hearts III for the first time his mysterious tour with the help of the charming bandit Flynn Rider. Sora, Goofy and Donal Duck decide to join the couple on their journey to the kingdom. It had been known for some time that Tangled would be part of this game, but so far little of the world and his characters have been shown.
Kingdom Hearts III tells the story of the power of friendship and its relationships. adventure Sora, Dingo and Donald Duck visit a multitude of Disney worlds filled with iconic characters. The goal of the trio is to stop Heartless, a vicious force that wants to dominate the universe.
On January 29, Kingdom Hearts III is finally available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One after years of waiting. The special Deluxe Edition with exclusive pin, steel case and artbook is currently offered at 79.99 euros by Wehkamp.
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