Dijkhoff: climate goals impossible to achieve without new nuclear power plants


To achieve the climate goals, new nuclear power plants must be built in the Netherlands as soon as possible. That's what the VVD party leader, Dijkhoff, said tonight in the Nieuwsuur . The coalition partners, D66 and ChristenUnie, see nothing in the plan.

According to Dijkhoff, new nuclear power plants are the best way to achieve Paris' climate goals. Nuclear energy is relatively clean: no CO2 is released, but radioactive waste is released

"I do not see how you can achieve the targets without nuclear energy," says Dijkhoff . "So, as far as I'm concerned, we'll start building quickly."

Climate Agreement

This year, the Cabinet wishes to reach an agreement on the climate with the business world and the organizations of the civil society. By 2030, greenhouse gas emissions of CO2 must be reduced by fifty percent compared to 1994.

Dijkhoff hopes that the option of nuclear energy be taken at the same time. serious. "I hope we will look at it rationally and not on the basis of outdated 1980s images."

"With nuclear energy, the sun and the wind, you can make a nice package that is good for the climate., With good facilities to treat waste." According to him, you can store the waste nuclear safely, but the CO2 is much more difficult because it goes in the air.

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