White House captivates CNN journalist | Overseas


At a press conference held earlier in the day on the mid-term election results, Trump and Acosta clashed up acerbically when Acosta raised questions about what he was saying. Trump about immigrants during the election campaign. To answer these questions, a White House employee attempted to pick up the CNN reporter's microphone. Huckabee Sanders described as "absolutely unacceptable" the fact that "Acosta" touched a young woman's hand trying to do her internship at the White House.

<img src = "http://www.telegraaf.nl/images/535×301/filters:format(jpeg):quality(50)/cdn-kiosk-api.telegraaf.nl/51647eae-e31d-11e8- 8907-ff472cc00a1f.jpg "data-desking =" image "class =" gray5 hidden-empty-image absolute top-left-corner width-100 no-borders "alt =" CNN reporter Jim Acosta Jim Acosta

[1945 AFP

CNN states in a statement that the press secretary's accusations are "fraudulent" and that the president's incessant attacks on the press go too far. "This unprecedented decision is a threat to our democracy and the country deserves better, "said the broadcaster, who told himself behind his reporter.

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