By law, everyone is entitled to an unpaid meal break of 30 minutes after 5.5 hours of work. But half of them say that they do not have time for that. "This is not feasible, so we work a lot in our time," says Sieta, home health worker.
The FNV surveyed more than 2,000 employees in home, community and residential care homes. The fact that 52% do not have enough time for the lunch break is mainly due to the high workload or lack of supervision of the service in the retirement homes, which means that the staff can not leave.
A 14-minute coffee or tea break per service, no less than 80% of home care staff say they never get there. Often this break is not planned either. In the institutions, the coffee break is better organized, but it is also the case of 4 out of 10 employees.
The FNV judges the results of the study painful, because the sector suffers from serious shortages of staff. "If you want to be an attractive employer, you must take care of your staff, you must at least respect the collective agreement," says Maureen van der Pligt of the FNV
Travel times are often not reimbursed [19659006] 19659004] Breaks are not the only place where home care institutions escape collective agreements. For example, not all companies compensate for travel time between customers.
"Working from client to client, it's time to work, it's perfectly clear in the collective labor agreement," says Van der Pligt. "But we get signals so often that institutions do not pay." The FNV plans to set up a telephone line for this purpose
"Unknown Signals"
The Actiz branch does not know the signals concerning unpaid breaks or travel times. "Well, clear agreements have been reached within the CLA." "They are not respected, there may be a misunderstanding and this needs to be corrected," says Gerard Schoep, member of the board of directors. .
He emphasizes that tight planning is also the result of the tariff structure in the health sector. "This is now done mainly on the basis of the number of hours of care, and there should also be a place for decent benefits in rates." encounter is the construction of so-called min-hours. For example, if a customer is not home or there are fewer customers on a route, employees will receive a minimum of hours for it. Unworked hours must be overtaken later or eventually deleted.
Van der Pligt: "Employees must receive their list one month in advance and all hours must be paid.is at home, and this can be done by going to the doctor or on vacation , the employee can never be a victim, but it happens. "
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