LGBTI rights become a compulsory subject in Scottish schools


Lhbti community rights education becomes compulsory in schools in Scotland. The Guardian newspaper writes that Scotland is the first country in the world where it was decided.

Public schools will now have to teach the history of sexual inequality, lhbti movements, fear of homosexuals and transsexuals and other themes. This happens with different courses. Exceptions, for example by appealing to conscientious objections, are not possible

The lobby group who led the lhbti mandatory education campaign, Time for Inclusive Education (TIE), says it will end to "the destructive legacy". of a law that has long banned British local authorities from "promoting" homosexuality. The law was suspended in Scotland in 2001 and in the rest of the United Kingdom in 2003.

Major legal protection

Scottish schools hardly tolerate offenders. Research shows that was performed on behalf of TIE. Homophobia is at the origin of 90% of LGBTI people in schools. Nearly one in three claims to have attempted suicide after being bullied because of their sexual orientation. Schools seem to misunderstand prejudices against LGBTI people.

Scotland is however one of the countries in Europe where LGBTI people enjoy the greatest legal protection. The country has undergone considerable development, as a notorious law criminalizing homosexuality was abolished only in 1980, thirteen years later than in England and Wales. .

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