The highly discussed calculus test on secondary education and MBO becomes part of the school exam and counts for the degree. This is what Education Ministers Ingrid van Engelshoven (D66) and Arie Slob (ChristenUnie) write in a proposal presented to the Lower House on Friday. This will terminate the national compulsory calculation test.
According to Van Engelshoven and Slob, schools are now allowed to hold mathematics exams for their students and students, which makes it more suitable for teaching mathematics.
"Schools thus retain the freedom to choose between courses which are part of other courses.In addition, they also have the possibility of designing the assessment themselves."
For schools, Old calculation test remains available until they have developed a school examination. Still in this new configuration, students must get at least 4 to succeed. It is possible that the teaching of mathematics is also going on. Teams of teachers are developing a new program.
National Computation Test
Five years ago, the national numeracy test was introduced because the students' level of calculation was too low. The test, which did not count immediately, was widely criticized. Only VWO students could get at least 5 for the test. At VMBO, HAVO and MBO, on average almost half of the students dropped out in the first year. The test would be too difficult and contain too many texts.
The school test calculation test does not yet apply to students who will be taking final exams next year. In MBO (level 2 to 4), the test only counts for students who start their degree program next year.
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Reviews on plan
The lower house is still discussing this proposal with ministers. Government parties D66 and CDA are already criticizing Friday night. Paul van Meenen, a D66 member, describes the plan as "disappointing" because he is too focused on testing.
The CDA MP, Michel Rog, also regrets that the government project mainly concerns the calculation test and not the content of the training in calculus.
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