The province of Noord-Brabant does not build a nuclear power plant. A majority of provincial states support a D66 motion to focus on the combination of renewable energy and home insulation. "This does not help nuclear energy," said Arend Meijer, chairman of the D66 group, at Omroep Brabant.
The discussion on nuclear energy is back now that the Netherlands is struggling to reduce its CO2 emissions to the agreed level. Paris The leader of the VVD party, Klaas Dijkhoff, recently told Nieuwsuur: "To achieve the Paris climate goals, new nuclear power plants need to be built in the Netherlands as soon as possible". A majority in the lower house agrees with him. No CO2 is emitted during the generation of nuclear energy
But Brabant has decided not to participate. The D66 yesterday won the majority of votes from SP, PvdA, GroenLinks, PvdD, ChristenUnie SGP and Lokaal Brabant with the proposal to opt for a "clean energy mix from sustainable sources". Meijer van D66: "The energy produced by nuclear energy is still not free of waste, nor is there any way to get rid of this waste."
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