Republicans: Florida recount is a deception


Almost a week after Tuesday's midterm elections, the results are still not known in a number of decisive races and the concern to preserve the integrity of the US electoral process. the battle for governors, seat of the Senate. The difference between the candidates in the state of oscillation was less than 0.5 percentage point. This means that a lawyer is needed for

Andrew Gillum, the Democratic governor's candidate, acknowledged his loss on Tuesday, but withdrew that Saturday. He is still about 33,700 votes behind Republican Ron DeSantis, a difference of about 0.4 percentage point. In the battle for Senate seat, Republican Rick Scott, now Governor of Florida, garnered 12,500 votes (0.15 percentage points) more than outgoing Democratic Senator Bill Nelson. Long queues and failing equipment had already drawn attention to the sometimes fragile state of American democratic material

. The fact that late voices seem to benefit their opponents in particular has led Republicans to question the integrity of the overall voting process. President Trump tweeted: "They are trying to steal two important elections in Florida!" Democrats insist that every vote must be counted.

counties that are now recounted are coming. It then took five weeks before the majority of the Conservative Supreme Court ordered the suspension of the censuses, after which George W. Bush sips the state and thus wins the presidency of Al Gore.

Aside from three races in Florida (the agriculture commission votes are also reported), the battle for Georgia's governorship and the one for a Senate seat in Arizona are still undecided. As in the race for the Senate in Missisippi comes a second round, the defeat of Democrats in the Senate can theoretically be limited to one seat. In the House, the Democrats have lost seven seats since Tuesday.

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