Blok asks Hungary to stop Interior slander


"You can not attack politicians or other people who participate in public debate and have a sharp point of view on the person," said the minister. He quoted the Hungarian rapporteur in the European Parliament Judith Sargentini (GroenLinks) as an example of this slander.

Hungary was Monday in Brussels at the board of directors of Minister Sargentini's critical report on the country. On this basis, Parliament activated Article 7 in September, the most severe criminal procedure of the EU Treaty. In theory, the voting rights of the Orbán government can be suspended in ministerial councils.

Sargentini was invited to present her report to the ministers. Only a few Member States participated, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece and Sweden. "The Netherlands sees the situation in Hungary as a source of worry and of great importance, but not all countries are so tough with it," said Blok. He urged the temporary Austrian President of the EU to ensure rapid follow-up

"No time to lose"

"Member States are now on the move," said Sargentini. "We have no time to lose, this concerns the violation of the rule of law in one of our own Member States and the erosion of the fundamental values ​​of the Hungarian people. "

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