Tuesday night, Deputy Prime Minister Salvini said after a cabinet meeting that she did not want to change anything essential. At midnight, the deadline expired when the country had to respond to the European Commission. Three weeks ago, the Commission returned the Italian projects to the trash and asked the government to redo its duties
The European Commission is ready again. Officially, there are two weeks left to answer Italy, but an answer will probably follow next Wednesday, according to sources
. Finance ministers will travel to Brussels on Monday for an additional meeting of the Eurogroup. Officially, it is not Italy, but a reform of the euro area, where decisions must be made in December. However, the subject of Italy will certainly pass.
The Commission can propose that Italy be brought to the European Criminal Court and that a fine of up to 0.2% of GDP be imposed, that is about 3.5 billion euros. Something like that has never happened before. At a meeting of the Eurogroup scheduled for 3 December, a decision should be made.
Italy wants to spend tens of billions more euros next year compared to the rules. The Netherlands strongly opposes this as it could jeopardize the stability of the entire euro area.
The budget deficit means that Rome will reach 2.4%, whereas, according to agreements with the previous Italian governments, 0.8% can be. According to the Commission, economic growth estimated at 1.5% by the Italians themselves is too optimistic
The Italian government, which includes the far-left Five Star movement and the far right Lega, wishes to lower the age of retirement and introduce a basic income. for the unemployed
Italy's national debt is the highest in the eurozone, after 131% of GDP. The Brussels standard is 60%. Given that the Italian economy is much larger than the Greek economy, the impact of a crisis would be overall much larger
In response to plans, the rate of increase was much higher. Interest that Italians have to pay for their public loans compared to Germany has increased considerably in recent weeks.
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