This is the great love of BZV-Harrold | Entertainment


Harrold got to know his new love in a party tent at a truck festival and then asked him the date. A few dates later, he doubted nothing: he wanted to continue with Rachelle . On Harrold's Facebook page, we can now see that two of them have had a relationship since August 18th.

Both men are filled with congratulations. "It looks like a very hot piece of butter!", Reacts someone. "It turns out that one pack of butter does not look like the other, and although it's not exactly a girl from Zeeland and can not be compared to the full book with this beautiful figure." I prefer to see it as a butter: a fair product and a very sweet taste, "says Harrold with humor.

KRO NCRV / Linelle Deunk / Facebook

Rachelle lives in Deurne, only half an hour from Harrold, who lives in Kelkdonk

See also:

BZV-Harrold falls in love with his ears

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