Halsema literally said Friday night at the New West meeting about the burqa prohibition, "I do not intend to maintain it, I do not think it suits our city." This was wrong, among other things, Cabinet, which Halsema pointed out. Halsema did not use those words in the debate.
See also:
Council finds Halsema harsh on ban on the burqa
Halsema on Wednesday sent the decision back to city council saying the law applies but that the law applies. the ban is not a priority. Halsema: "Naturally, the national laws apply in Amsterdam, and this also applies to the ban on the burka, should it be introduced, but it does not have priority in the application of the laws. rules. "She states that she contacted the government with the literal transcript, but states that Secretary of State Knops (Home Affairs) has unfortunately not received this information. Knops touched Halsema with his fingers yesterday.
"This office brings a new responsibility.Our fundamental problem with this law is not gone, but it is not relevant.My argument is: the law applies," said Halsema. The fact that enforcement is not a priority remains a policy in Amsterdam according to Halsema. She said: "This is not only my starting point, but also that of the triangle" (Attorney General, Police and Mayor). "Hospitals and universities say they will not call the police, the GVB will not get people out of the tram, which confirms our prioritization," according to Halsema
. Unfinished storage
. For VVD, CDA and Forum for Democracy, storage is not over yet. "Halsema had to revoke his statements and say: I will get them back and enforce the law," said CDA party leader Diederik Boomsma. "She refuses to say that."
Marianne Poot, member of the VVD, is of the same opinion. "Of course, there is always a discussion about what you give priority, it's not the goal, Halsema may have a personal opinion, but the fact is that as mayor, you're going to enforce the law, she still has not said that. "During the debate, Fraction's president, Eric van der Burg, said Halsema had" solved a misunderstanding "by stating that the law in Amsterdam was simply valid.
Annabel Nanninga of the Forum for Democracy wants more clarity. from Halsema. "Law enforcement does not have to be a police task, the ludicrous suggestion that young people are not safe if we keep it nonsense." Police do not participate in the enforcement either The mayor revolves around this: she just said not to maintain and it's madness, she did not pick up this information, which we find unacceptable. "
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