Teachers felt endangered for years Inside


Minister Arie Slob (Primary and Secondary Education) reiterates once again that abuse, pressure and intimidation are "unacceptable" and calls on everyone to ban it. School leaders must "do everything in their power to ensure a safe working environment" and teachers must defend each other. Slob asks students to "talk to each other about bad behavior" and parents to teach the teacher respect to their children.

Department figures appear to confirm the findings that the DUO and AD research agency published earlier in the day.

After the publication of the 2016 survey, the ministry conducted additional surveys. This shows that VMBO women, young teachers and teachers feel less safe than their ordinary classmates.

All of this was a reason for schools and unions to create more safe workplaces for teachers. The latest figures, to be released next month, should show if this has had an effect.

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