Lies Visschedijk learns from the patience of his colleagues at Soof | Now


Lies Visschedijk inspired many of his colleagues from the series Soof whose second series began on Thursday

"You share a moment of joy and sorrow," says Visschedijk, who plays Soof, at "We discuss our holidays with each other and how they are with our children, for a while, the paths are the same, I learn things and I receive lessons of patience and endurance, of professionalism and defense of your skin. " Fedja van Huêt, who plays Soofs ex Kasper, also said he has a lot to do with his teammates. "It's fine if you have a click and with Lies, I've had it from the beginning, otherwise it will be a lot harder."

Robert de Hoog, one of the newcomers in the second season of Soof learned a lot from his own character. He plays TV producer Victor, who oversees Soof and develops a cooking program with her. "We filmed a lot at the Mediapark," says De Hoog, 29. "We created the program in a big studio and I was allowed to sit behind the control table so I could really immerse myself in the production process."

In the future, De Hoog would like to be more involved in film production. or series. "As an actor, you stand on one side and do not mind the foreground, where everything is designed and created, and I think it would be nice to be really creative when it comes to doing it, not just when it's played. " "Success of the series due to the recognizability of the subjects"

The three actors see a possible third season of Soof and think that the series owes its success to the recognizability of the subjects to be treated. "We play against two sucking cups, and this is often the case in real life," says Van Huêt

"People like characters very much," says Visschedijk (44). "I often go to the theater and people always want to know how things are going with Soof, they are very attached to her and to the other characters."

For De Hoog, Soof is "a kind of heroine". "It's just a strong woman, she does it all, she runs a family and a business alone while she's sometimes very lonely."

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