Rijkswaterstaat operates red crosses in five regional circulation centers. We asked Rijkswaterstaat six annoyances
1. Who crosses a red cross? They are almost unavoidable.
"The fact that more and more road users are convicted for ignoring a red cross has an obvious cause: it is becoming more and more busy on the road, resulting in more and more incidents, closures, and also for more law-breakers.
There are two groups of people who are unaware of red crosses, people who do it consciously by endangering their lives and that of others, and a group who does so unconsciously, for example because they are distracted by their own means, mobile phone. "
2. Yes, another red cross. Something is wrong?
"A mess on the road, a broken down car or an accident Where there are red crosses on the matrix boards, there is always something wrong."
There is only one exception, these are rush-hour lanes that are disabled with red crosses at certain times. "
3. There is an incident in the right lane. Nevertheless, there are two or even three red crosses on the matrix panels.
"If there is damage on the road, for example, a road inspector must be able to do his job safely, he must be able to go up and down safely on adjacent lanes
Have you ever been on the roadside while traffic was traveling at high speed? This is going very fast, it is for the safety of all users, including people, who pass by. "[19659005] 4. Why are red crosses still on? The road is empty, there does not seem to be any problem.
"The inspector of roads is the first to arrive and the last to leave, he must check if the accident was treated from A to Z. He must check if it does not contain oil. lies, sometimes what happens is invisible to other users, only when the road inspector has given the signal safely and is on the road again that the crosses can disappear. "
"Our goal is to make the road so fast, it is possible to release it once more, but we can not say in general how long our inspectors work, which varies with time." [19659002] 5. Is not the danger a little exaggerated?
"It is very dangerous, fortunately there have been no casualties this year, but so far fifteen cars have been hit by road inspectors, which has resulted in an increase in the number of accidents with damage compared to other years "
6. 230 euros are they not a fine for ignoring a red cross from the high side?
"We defend the safety of people on the road.Finals are determined by the public prosecutor, but what I can say is that motorists ignore these red crosses, which creates a dangerous situation, it's no problem that it's not a bad thing. "
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