The Inspectorate conducted research at VMBO Maastricht in September, which falls under the LEM. The inspection describes VMBO Maastricht as "very weak school". If it does not improve within a year, the Minister of Education can stop funding the school. The conclusions were shared this week with, among others, the parents of the students
"This will not happen," said an LVO spokesman Thursday. "Because VMBO Maastricht has already taken action, we recognize ourselves in the bottlenecks indicated by the Inspectorate for VMBO Maastricht, for example, the loss of lesson has decreased, and improvements are noticeable for our students. With demonstrable improvements, funding for VMBO Maastricht is not stopping.We are working hard on recovery. "
Gaffes of Examination
L & # 39; school was under fire after the exam. On June 22, hundreds of students learned that they had failed because the exams were not good.
According to the Inspectorate, the lessons given by teachers are of sufficient quality. But the school must do more to ensure the safety of students and teachers. Many disorders enter the classroom, in part because people who have nothing to look for in school can come in and out. According to the Inspectorate, the school is not always satisfied with this.
The school recognizes it. "For us, the safety of students and staff is a very important aspect, the inspection is critical, we take this very seriously and we also started immediately," the spokeswoman said on Thursday.
According to the inspection, too many lessons have also made students forget many lessons. In addition, much remains to be done to keep teachers' knowledge and skills up to date. According to the school, the consequences have been resolved.
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