The inspection also taps Sophianum on the fingers: "Very weak" 1Limburg


The Inspectorate reviewed education in September of this year. The Sophianum must respond to criticism within a year. Earlier, VMBO Maastricht also had a harsh judgment.

Read also : Inspection of Education: "The very weak school of VMBO Maastricht"

No diploma
According to the Education Inspection , there are several reasons why the VMBO framework of the Sophianum low scores. For starters, the average score on the central exam is too low and too many students delay or leave school without a degree. Teachers also have too little knowledge about student development. This is why they can not always offer the proper support.

No, not according to guidelines
Teachers would not consider differences between students either. In addition, the so-called Assessment and Termination Programs (PTAs) and the examination regulations are not in compliance with the law. The exams do not follow established guidelines.

Good explanation
The school leadership and teachers do not work together to improve their skills and knowledge. "
Employees are friendly with each other, but they have trouble talking to each other," according to the inspection in the report. But everything goes well at school, says the inspection. Students feel safe and teachers give good explanations during the lesson. Everyone is also invited to think about education.

Stichting LVO
Management states in a letter to parents that they are "scared" by "heavy judgment". The school appealed for outside help to make things better. Incidentally, the Sophianum, like the VMBO Maastricht, is part of the LVO educational foundation. A number of directors of this foundation have mobilized this week to solve problems related to the quality of education at VMBO Maastricht.

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