9% more was spent on "social protection". In figures, this represents an advantage of 9 billion euros. This is mainly due to additional expenses in AOW. This is apparent from figures published by Statistics Netherlands on changes in public spending between Monday and 2010, Monday.
Compared to 2010, more money goes to public order and security (+ 10%) and education (+ 6%). In addition, spending on housing and public facilities fell sharply. This position decreased by 40%. According to Statistics Netherlands, this is mainly due to the fact that more land has been sold, including for housing construction.
In 2017, 37% of total government expenditure was spent on social protection. Public health accounts for 18% of the pie. Education accounts for 12.1%. In comparison, the provisions for accommodation and the community represent only 0.8% of public expenditure. In total, the government issued 313 billion euros in 2017.
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