In this way, you become the ideal woman partner


1. Realize that happiness is better than the same

Psychologist Jeffrey Wijnberg: ,, First say "sorry" in a conflict. "


Roos Woltering, psychologist:" We show the outside world a much more positive version of ourselves than of the person we love most. Make sure you do your best for your husband.

If you are tired, for example, because you have worked too much, you often respond to your partner. Do not only impose on your colleagues, but also on a romantic relationship the best version of yourself. "

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3. Talk about your appreciation for each other [19659002] Jeffrey: "Make a compliment every day (" What do you cook delicious! "This is also possible in the form of total gratitude (" What is it? I am a lucky man, I have you ")."

Think with the Other

Jeffrey: Be prepared to plan and cooperate to achieve the dreams, desires and desires of the "I". For example: "If you want to open a shop, I am quite willing to adjust my working hours." "

5. Realize: What attracts, as well as repulsion

Roos:, What you've always loved as a block can also become an annoying thing, for example, if you're restless in nature, you'll appreciate if your partner is relaxed and relaxed.

But at some point you can also think, "Is he already on the couch? Go do something! "There is no point in getting angry, it is better to sit next to it, look for a dynamic in it."

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6 . Relative

Roos: ,, In humor, there is so much relativity. If you can see the negative traits of each other with humor and sweetness, some of the tension is already gone. The message is often clear if you bring it with a wink instead of jumping directly on it. And if you say or do something with anger, anger often comes back in reaction. "

7. Investigate Your Own Share

Roos: ,, Are you arguing? Suppose the other person never has a 100% debt in case of conflict.Always look at your own part in the situation. "

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