I can also understand that the word & # 39; smartphone & # 39; is not mentioned in the patent. Let's face it, the "phone" part is weakened for years. Much of the communication goes through chat services such as WhatsApp. There is a lot of navigation on these devices, verification of emails, etc. For many people, effective calls are no longer the most used smartphone application. If I look at my own usage statistics, only about 5% of my phone usage is from the actual phone. Everything else can be considered a handheld or whatever you call it.
Is it relevant that the term telephone expires in the long term? I think somewhere. This removes the idea that this is a device to call mainly . The capabilities of the device are being used less and less. For example, if you look at Galaxy devices that support Dex, where a decent desktop experience can be simulated, and that can only improve with Linux on Dex, the smartphone does not really cover the load anymore. In part by continuing to name it as a smartphone, it is disadvantageous that many people do not realize what they can not do with their device if they dive a little. Give up the phone term and you can do a lot more with other functions through marketing.
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