A construction trap for 1 euro in Sardinia


Well, Ollolai on TV! We crossed last summer, in the interior of Sardinia. Not stopped. This can also be one of the problems of Ollolai, a village of (still) 1,200 souls where young people leave for lack of work and where too little happens to attract a lot of tourists.

That is why the municipality decided to abandon it and offer abandoned houses for 1 euro each. RTL 4 has seen a daily reality soap for the summer – there is little that RTL does not see in a reality soap.

But to be honest, the coup de sending of The Italian village: Ollolai was promising Monday. Five Dutch couples have tried with the most convincing business plan possible through the Ollolaise village council poll to have one of the houses allocated in euros. None of them spoke Italian; Apparently, RTL had rejected Italian speakers among the requests. The confusion of the speech gives a nice TV.

The houses were real ruins. Ilonka and Russ, who wanted to rent electric mountain bikes, were surprised by the sight of a decapitated doll, which had been placed prominently on the abandoned furniture. "If we do that, we have to have support first," Russ said. "I think so, I find that frightening ." The village council saw little in their plans: "We have an expression for that: a lot of leaves and few roots."

The council the village does the program well. In most emigration programs, the native population is a backdrop, here you hear the villagers talking about their ideas about the future of their area. One of them was deeply impressed by the lovely blonde Corina. Her husband, John, was looking for "a mediator, an interpreter, a process supervisor." Their project was to organize a jazz festival in Ollolai. Old people at the cafe: "Jazz? Is this music with these long-haired drug addicts in the audience?"

Corina could be considered by the village council as femme fatale herself Did not see the village. "It's so quiet here, it makes me very agitated." Another couple (a little too neat) wanted to leave Ollolai shortly after inspecting the houses.

The two youngest couples were chosen: a Flemish-Dutch couple with a girl, who were the only ones to translate their PowerPoint in Italian. They wanted to lure food trucks to Ollolai. The Duvel they gave impressed the village council. Solemnly, the Italians said: "We never give up our own kitchen, but we taste everything."

Then there was Joey and Danielle. This couple had designed the project to organize weddings in Ollolai. A project with hooks and eyes, but their enthusiasm was irresistible. I fell for them en bloc. And Joey and Daniëlle fell in block in front of the first the best classified building impossible. Their eyes were shining. Joey said, "I was expecting it worse." Right at that moment, his left foot pulled straight across the rotten floor.

This was not to spoil the fun, they fell in love with the ruins, on the village. Stiknerveus they presented their project. It had long been obvious to the village council members that they never wanted to liberate these two disarming Dutchmen.

When Joey and Daniëlle came out, the villagers were shining. "I bet they're the first ones to get married here."

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