A Dutch activist denied access to Israel


Dutch activist and researcher Lydia de Leeuw was denied access to Israel at Tel Aviv airport on Friday. According to the Israeli Minister of Public Security, De Leeuw would encourage the boycott of Israel. Israeli media reports that De Leeuw engages in various "BDS activities". This refers to the global movement calling for boycotts, divestments and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Since last year, BDS activists can be refused at the border.

De Leeuw and Overeem are known to be the first Dutch to be stopped at the border under the new BDS policy.

explicitly called for the boycott of Israel. According to Israeli media, the activist was working to "delegitimize Israel" and "promote the boycott of the Jewish state". She also reportedly spoke at BDS events and protests. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said:

"Someone who works to promote the boycott of Israel and wants to harm Israeli residents has no reason to visit Israel. Israel will not stand against those who are trying to harm us. "

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri added that other so-called boycott activists will be detained. they are trying to go to Israel.

See also: Aliens who are in favor of an Israeli boycott no longer enter the country

Critical Investigation

De Leeuw Lawyer is a member of the board of trustees. administration of the Kifaia Foundation. This organization is engaged in the "lifting of the occupation of Palestine" and "lasting peace" in the region. The foundation also regularly shares stories about Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, for example at conferences and film screenings.

De Leeuw also occupies the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for his work at the SOMO research office. A month ago, she published another study on the Dutch import of fruits and vegetables from the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel. Among other things, the study states that "human rights and the humanitarian law of war are violated" in this region.

"Human Rights, No BDS"

According to Gerhard Schuil, member of the SOMO management team, De Leeuw is now on a return plane to the Netherlands. His colleague Pauline Overeem was also reportedly arrested at the border. According to Schuil, Overeem is probably still at Ben Gurion Airport, near Tel Aviv.

Schuil says SOMO finds the researchers' refusal unjustified. According to him, women are not involved in the BDS movement.

"SOMO is a critical and independent knowledge center and we are not active in the BDS movement, Lydia defends human rights, but she is not a BDS employee. has a difference of opinion with the Israeli authorities. "

Read also: The new enemy arrives and it is called" BDS "

BDS militants

The pro-Palestinian organization Human Rights Alhaq, who claims to cooperate with De Leeuw and Overeem, calls on the Netherlands to condemn Israel's decision. In a statement, the NGO writes that "the BDS movement and those involved are protected by freedom of expression and assembly".

Since the law was passed last year with which so-called BDS activists may be denied, several activists have been prevented from entering the country. Jewish-American Ariel Gold was denied earlier this month at Ben Gurion Airport.

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