A Dutch firefighter saves children from a burning house in America


Dutch firefighter Sander returned as a hero of his voluntary internship in the American city of Detroit. In a burning house, he and his colleagues saved two children and their mother. He is even now named for a special prize.

Sander, Fire Chief Wassenaar, went with his colleague Ricardo to do an internship in Detroit. It is one of the liveliest cities for firefighters. "It can not be described, there are about thirty house fires a day," says Ricardo against De Telegraaf.

Children in the house

Sander and a team make a report of fire at home. "We were sent as a third car.Once there, it became clear that the house was not empty and the grandmother could confirm that there were still children on the first floor."

In the house, they quickly find a baby. The American commander takes the child to the outside. "I kept the way so that he could go to the ambulance as quickly as possible with the baby," says Sander

Award for firefighter

The firefighter enters the house and save another five-year-old mother of the family of death. The three victims make up for the circumstances.

Sander was nominated for a special prize. "He saved the mother and put his life at risk in very violent circumstances, he has the heart in the right place and has shown tremendous courage," said the commander who wants to distinguish the Dutch.

By: Thijs Kroezen

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