A funeral organization used false Metronieuws.nl fingerprints


To make happy parents with the fingerprints of their beloved deceased, employees and former employees of the funeral organization DELA have used fingerprints from other people. They said that Radar on the radio NPO Radio 1 .

This program revealed last week that unsolicited fingerprints of people dying by DELA. For example, they could later incorporate them into jewelry and offer them for sale to surviving parents. The funeral association and the insurer said that after only sending it with the express consent of the surviving parents, he had taken fingerprints because it "had sometimes caused feelings unpleasant. " the (former) employees who lay the charges do not know each other and independently claim that some fingerprints have been falsified, and the whistleblowers explained that this was done to reassure survivors and the DELA parent organization.

For example, if a body is in the water or if someone has been dead for a long time, it is not possible to take a fingerprint. "Colleagues who have taken care of the bodies have therefore repeatedly handed over their fingerprints," says one of the whistleblowers. So, in the Netherlands, there are now people who are walking around with a jewel with somebody else 's fingerprints, while they think that it' s safe. is a fingerprint of their loved one. call it a reaction "a direct attack on our integrity", but that seems like a struggle: "As far as program makers can witness incidents in their broadcasts, this is by no means the result We are expressly moving away from incidents and if we receive more information about this, we will take appropriate action immediately, "Doeve said.

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