A Pakistani threatened: Bibi asks the British for help


Pakistani man Asia Bibi hopes that the United Kingdom will grant them asylum. In a video, Ashiq Masih asks British Prime Minister May to organize a departure from Pakistan. According to the British media, it also appeals to Canadian and American leaders.

Bibi is threatened by supporters of the radical Tehreek-e-Labbaik (TLP) party. They are angry because the Supreme Court of Pakistan acquitted the woman of her blasphemy

. According to the court, the evidence in this case was too weak. Bibi spent eight years on death row because she allegedly insulted the Prophet Muhammad.


Last week, the government reached an agreement with the TLP. For example, the government will try to prevent Bibi from leaving the country. In return, TLP suspends its actions for the moment.

But Bibi's man is not at peace. "I ask the British Prime Minister to help us leave Pakistan and give us asylum if it can," he said in the video. "We are so threatened that we are stuck in this house," he told reporters. D66 Member of Parliament Sjoerdsma speaks of an emergency situation

"Let her breathe in the Netherlands," Sjoerdsma said. "In order for her to discover peacefully where she wants to commit suicide with her children, she can not go to Pakistan."

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