A wounded Dutch tourist in Tajikistan is not in danger of death


The Dutchman who was injured in a collision in Tajikistan is not in danger of death. It is accessible. This indicates sources to RTL News. Four people were killed in the collision, including a Dutchman.

The 58-year-old woman was cycling with a group yesterday when they were hit by a car. Four people, including a 56-year-old Dutchman, were killed. The other three were injured. The Dutch woman is in the hospital

The situation is not clear

What has happened is not yet clear. The Tajik media writes that the group was the victim of an attack, but that this has not (yet) been confirmed by the authorities.

  Tajikistan map "class =" media-element inline-wide-file "data-file_info ="% 7B% 22fid% 22:% 2288013316% 22,% 22view_mode% 22:% 22inline_large% 22,% 22fields% 22: % 7B% 22format% 22:% 22inline_large% 22,% 22field_file_image_alt_text% 5Bund% 5D% 5B0% 5D% 5Bvalue% 5D% 22:% 22March% 20Tadzjikistan% 22,% 22field_file_image_title_text% 5Bund% 5D% 5B0% 5D% 5Bvalue% 5D % 22:% 22March% 20Taczistan% 22,% 22field_content_copyright% 5Bund% 5D% 5B0% 5D% 5Bvalue% 5D% 22:% 22RTL% 20News% 22% 7D,% 22type% 22:% 22media% 22% 7D "height = "328" src = "https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/sites/default/files/styles/inline_large/public/content/images/2018/07/29/kaart_tadzijikistan.jpg?itok=MaO0T9NY" title = "Map Tajikistan "width =" 592 "/> </p>
<p>  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns tourists in the part of the country where the collision has occurred for" security risks ", along the borders and at home. the self-employed Gorno Badakhshan regio n, all unnecessary trips are not recommended. A warning is given to road safety (roads are bad and often not lit and vehicles are poorly maintained). The threat of attacks remains "present" according to the ministry. </p>
<p>  The warning for security risks is not exceptional. The same travel advice applies to Russia, Peru, Argentina and popular holiday destinations in Turkey. </p>
<h2>  Photos after the collision: </h2>
<p>  <iframe allowfullscreen=

More information on rtlnieuws.nl:
Dutch cycling tourist (56) died after a collision in Tajikistan

RTL Nieuws

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