Abbey Cover actress blackmailed by hacker | Entertainment


After the disappearance of his photos, his name has been changed and there is only a blurred image. The winner of Golden Calf received a message from the hacker asking her if she wanted to transfer $ 2,000 in exchange for her account

Abbey nevertheless gave zero on appeal and declared that she would not want to cross the bridge. "I'm sorry to tell you that, but I'm not a" social influencer "who will pay to get something like an Instagram account, that makes no sense. you from your computer and enjoy life.I hope you find a good hobby! "

Eventually, the actress Petticoat was successful, with l & # 39; help friends and employees of Instagram, to recover his account. In her first post, she writes, "My friends, I'm back, you sometimes hear about it, but you do not realize it can happen to you too, probably because I can not understand that there is people who can have a little fun (…) And now, dear pirate, I'm addressing you … As you can see, you will not be able to make me small. in your life and leave others alone! "

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