ABN Amro reduces interest to even closer to zero


Interest on a savings account at ABN Amro continues to decline. Interest on the No-Charge Direct Savings Account will be reduced from 0.05 to 0.03 per cent on July 31.

Interest on the savings account then rose to 0.07 percent. That was 0.10% before. ABN Amro announces the reduction today

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Who will save 100 euros this year will receive 3 cents (!) Account interest direct savings from ABN Amro. ING recently reduced its savings interest to 0.03%. Triodos Bank has had a savings rate of 0 percent since the beginning of this year.

Negative Interest Rates

Such interest rates actually mean that savers lose money. Since inflation is higher than interest rates, your savings will be worth less.

ABN Amro pleads for negative interest rates on the money market and low interest rates on the capital market. "Continuing weakness in interest rates puts pressure on savings rates"

The ECB has been working hard in recent years on interest rates to stimulate economic growth in the euro zone. euro. eurozone. "Persistent low interest rates are putting pressure on savings rates," says a spokesman for ABN Amro against RTL Z.

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The Spokesman of ABN Amro's Savings did not mean anything negative. "We are not speculating on future rate changes."


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