Activision uses microtransactions for Black Ops: 4 – Games – News


Special orders are new on the black market. Players can buy them with the COD point to win new sets of cosmetic items, such as uniforms, with challenges

Oooh but that's P2W!?!?!? In this way, is not it?!?!

Special orders are also subject to criticism because of paying challenges and meager objects that are unlocked. ] Cosmetics, you have to worry about it. Big boredom about this is one. No player at all, b. secretly just a buyer. Only a small group c. do not buy these things by principle and do not think it's right. For this last group: idiot, but this is life.

People shout murder and fire as if it were all bad, on the contrary. 10-15 years ago, it was really P2W, 10x powerful weapons, 100% exp and more, better classes, better skills, it was a problem. Cosmetic? Well, you would just pay for another color weapon without any additional effect …

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