Ads in kids apps are manipulative and fuzzy


A number of researchers – who are also mothers – have studied a very large number of applications on the Google Play Store, especially advertisements for all these (free) apps, including many games. Advertising is often used in these free apps because it is the application revenue model. Logic.

The problem that researchers, who published in the Journal of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, found, among other things, that advertisements were not filtered at all for children. These included trips to Chicago or even treatment for bipolar disorder. They show that in a video that we unfortunately can not integrate, so watch it here.

Learning to Handle Cheats

In addition, many advertisements have subsequently led to other applications. This is also a common strategy with free applications because installing another application is paying off. The problem, however, is that the opportunity to do so is very famous and often not clearly stated as an advertisement, but disguised as an "ordinary" option in a game or even in a price that you can claim. Application characters, and especially games, also encourage children to make in-app purchases or click on ads.

Again, this is commonplace and maybe even understandable in a world where everyone thinks it's too much to spend a few euros for a game, but that also happens with games that are mainly intended for the youngest always problematic. By the way, paying for an app is not always the solution either, because the survey also showed that even in 88% of the applications tested were commercials. And then, we did not mention the thousands of Android apps followed by kids. It's really the Wild West of the area.

Self-monitoring is important

Researchers do not accept this as such, but warn that it is up to parents to clearly indicate to their children the tricks used by applications and to ensure that they are not. fast on the stairs. However, it is also harmful for children to be confronted with relentless advertising at such a young age. Children just want to play or even learn and all of these commercials distract and cause frustration, especially among parents who often only understand half of what is happening. Absolutely, but unfortunately, a solution is not available. As a parent, you must first check each application your child uses, because before you know it, the tablet or smartphone is full of the rest of the mess.

[Afbeeldingen © Syda Productions – Adobe Stock]

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