Ajax opens an office in New York: "Logical and necessary step"


12:22 – Ajax confirmed Tuesday afternoon the opening of an office in the United States. From the new office in New York, the Amsterdam club will lead activities in North America. Ajax calls this expansion "a logical and necessary step in view of the growing number of activities in this part of the world".

  Ajax opens an office in New York:

In a press release, Ajax reports that Amsterdam is inextricably linked to New York and partly because of this link historical, opted for the North American city. Through his office, Ajax thinks he can reach even more fans. Number two Eredivisie also hopes to tie companies and clubs in the United States

Earlier this year, Ajax has already forged partnerships with clubs in China, Japan and Australia. "In order to be able to participate structurally at the (European) summit, we have to provide new sources of revenue, for which we have to innovate and think internationally." This step towards New York is an example, "said Menno. Geelen, Commercial Director of Ajax.

Edwin van der Sar explains the choice of office in New York. "Development in the US, where football is gaining popularity, has prompted us to take a closer look at this market, which is part of our strategy to look more and more beyond our borders. the football scene there and the name of the club are increasingly recognized, which explains our structural presence in this market. "

" In our preparations for the second half of the season, we deliberately opted for the US The Cup is a great platform for this growing market, and the opening of the office is an important requirement, and with the duels against Sao Paulo FC and Flamengo we will reach millions of fans and will be able to continue to reach them I hope future football stars will contribute to their development. "

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