Al-Shabaab terror group bans plastic bags


Muslim fundamentalists of al-Shabaab, who have power in much of war-torn Somalia, have a remarkable law. In the caliphate of the terrorist organization affiliated with Al-Quaida, a ban on disposable plastic bags came into effect on July 1.

According to Mohammed Abu Abdullah, the leader of the Jubaland region, plastic bags pose a serious threat to humans and animals and bad for the environment. He announced this in a radio message

Green Jihadists

In the same radio message, Adullah also announced a ban on cutting endangered tree species. This is not the first time that fundamentalists, who founded a caliphate in southern Somalia, show their green side. They are also called in jokes "green jihadists" on the Internet.

It was not announced what the consequences for offenders would be of the new prohibition. But knowing al Shabaab, these punishments will not be light. For example, one or both hands are thrown by thieves and adulterers are stoned, according to tradition in the Sharia case.

Ironically, Al-Shabaab cuts large-scale trees for the coal trade itself. This is perceived by environmental organizations with members because it can make Somalia a desert


Somalia has been involved in a very bloody civil war since 1991. The federal government has no power only in a small part of the country and large parts in the north and south of the country are in the hands of warlords, local groups and jihadist organizations. Al Shabaab was expelled from the capital Mogadishu in 2011, but still holds many parts of the country. Somalia is known as one of the most dangerous and poorest countries on the planet.

The group is best known for its strict interpretation of sharia law, gigantic cruelty and terrorist attacks in neighboring Kenya. For example, Al-Shabaab was behind the attack of a shopping center in 2013, killing 67 victims and 5 terrorists. Two weeks later, eight policemen from eastern Kenya were killed by an explosive placed by al-Shabaab.

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