All about the GP of Mexico: "Let's hope that Verstappen can overtake the equipment" | Now


With Max Verstappen as the last winner, Formula 1 will end this weekend in Mexico. Lewis Hamilton can, like last year, win the world title at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez. Robert Doornbos tells you everything you need to know about the Mexican Grand Prix.

It is likely that this weekend will be a party at Camp Mercedes. "Normally, it's the apple egg for Hamilton to decide on the championship," Doornbos told NUsport.

"But you never know." Daniel Ricciardo also stopped in the United States last Sunday and Hamilton may arrive. "

Hamilton needs a seventh place to become world champion for the fifth time, Sebastian Vettel is Hamilton's last contender in the World Cup bout, and even if the German does not win, Briton is sure of the title, regardless of his result.The Ferrari driver has never reached the podium in Mexico.

Last year, Verstappen put Hamilton in a heat and he did not win. finished only ninth on Autodrome Hermanos Rodríguez, after suffering a puncture in the first lap. Vettel. The German lost a piece of his front wing during this incident and finished fifth.

"Verstappen could lead to victory without being threatened," says Doornbos. "For us, the Dutch, it was good because Verstappen won but it's a boring race." Verstappen in Mexico.If he has a chance to win? is very hard to say for the first training sessions, "says Doornbos. "But, hopefully, he can go far beyond his equipment" as he did in the United States. "

" Because in reality, the Red Bull car is not enough to fight Mercedes and Ferrari. barely eighty horses too much. "

But, according to Doornbos, something must still be possible thanks to the current peak form of young Limburger." Verstappen is just the last race in his skin and proved that he could really win the victory, even if he had to start from 18th place. "

" His first tour in the United States was really crazy and the Red Bull tactic also worked perfectly with refueling at the right time, allowing him to overtake Valtteri Bottas. It was really a team effort.

[[summary:Artikel samenvatting – Starttijden GP Mexico (Nederlandse tijd)]] [[image:]]

Red Bull probably drives with an older engine [19659010] A disadvantage for Verstappen is that it will probably not drive the Renault C-spec engine in Mexico. to the reliability in the air in Mexico City, the team opts for the old version B, less powerful but more reliable.

The track of Mexico is at 2,200 meters altitude. as a result, the engines can use less oxygen and not use their maximum potential.

"All teams have about the same problems," says Doornbos. "You can not say that it's not the same. is an advantage for Verstappen or a disadvantage for Mercedes or Ferrari. "


How is this circuit special?

Unique to Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, it is that 39, it is partly a stadium is located. "Nowhere in the world do so many fans are so close to the circuit, this must be a great experience for the drivers, "said Doornbos.

"But it's also very narrow and you can not drive fast, there are not many opportunities to overtake, it's better at the end of the long straight."

Verstappen said for several weeks that he was eager to participate in the race in Mexico. "Normally, Red Bull has the best chance to win in the last Grand Prix of the season," said Doornbos.

Due to the consequences of Hurricane Willa, the weather will be turbulent this weekend in Mexico City. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, precipitation is taken into account.

[[summary:Artikel samenvatting – Laatste 10 winnaars GP Mexico]]

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