"All Boeing Max aircraft may be defective with Lion Air" | Overseas


"We report this because, after evaluating all relevant information, we think that the unsafe situation will likely also occur in other devices or will develop," writes the FAA in a warning.

A faulty sensor the problem that is being discussed. Due to the fault, incorrect information about air flows is entered into the system. This can result in protection, also known as "stall", in which the wing loses its load capacity, the nose tilts forward and the aircraft descends rapidly.

The increase is crucial

"If the pilots can no longer use the sensor, you will understand that it will be dangerous," says aeronautical journalist Paul Eldering. "The combination of speed and tilt angle is crucial, but the pilots know it."

If such a fault occurs, the pilots must intervene. That's what Lion Air pilots have been unable to do, it seems. "The investigation is not over yet, but the FAA is giving this warning for sure," Eldering said.

See also:

Boeing explains a sensor after the accident. 737 Lion Air

an "urgent security problem". In a kind of step-by-step plan, the authority explains the actions that must perform the drivers if they are suddenly faced with the problem.

An Aircraft in the Netherlands

The Max variant is brand new. "Much more economical and with all kinds of gadgets, there are only 250 flights in the world, but in the meantime five thousand have already been ordered, which is a huge number of successes. new type of this type, with lightweight materials and low consumption, may have startup problems, "according to Eldering.

Corendon Dutch Airlines is the first company to buy a Max plane from Dutch companies. There will be more in the coming years, as for other companies. "We have received this warning and we are taking care of the device technically," commented Corendon's director, Atilay Uslu.

"We also reviewed the safety procedures, as stated by the FAA We had no technical problems Incidentally, this device is the most economical, really the device of the future. "

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