An asylum seeker from North Africa often in contact with the police


One in four asylum seekers from Libya and one in five from safe countries, Algeria and Morocco, have been in contact with the police. This is apparent from the police figures, which Secretary of State Harbers sent to the House of Representatives from January 2017 to June 2018.

It concerns 206 Libyans (25%) out of more than 800 Libyans who filed demand for asylum between 2015 and 2018. Of the 2,800 Algerians, 588 were classified as suspects (21%) and 56% of Moroccans, of about the same size, were in contact with the police ( 19%). These people are suspected of offenses punishable by penalties, ranging from minor offenses to heavier offenses.

By way of comparison, only 3% of asylum seekers from Syria are suspected by the police. This is around 2% for Albanians and around 9% for Afghans.


The police write in an explanation that it concerns suspects who have not yet been sentenced. The offenses were committed both in the center of the asylum seekers and outside of it.

Asylum seekers from countries considered safe by the Netherlands, such as Morocco and Algeria, can apply for asylum here, but have barely access to a health permit. stay. In anticipation of a radiation or the granting of an asylum permit, they are located in centers of asylum seekers. Mayor Aboutaleb announced last week that this group, because of the inconvenience, was no longer welcome in a reception center for asylum seekers in Rotterdam.

Application for asylum

If you compare the number of suspects per country to the total number of asylum seekers from this country country, asylum seekers from Libya, Algeria and Morocco come out. Mayor Heijmans de Weert, a municipality with a large population, told De Telegraaf that a considerable part of the alleged Libyans would actually come from Morocco or Algeria. Libya is not considered a safe country, which increases the chances of asylum if you can prove that you are coming.

Effect of Registration

Nearly half of asylum seekers known to the police come from the police. a safe country. 1707 of the 3888 alleged asylum seekers are from countries such as Morocco or Algeria.

Police also explain that the figures may have a so-called "registration effect" because the police are more vigilant when it deals with incidents involving foreigners and asylum seekers. In other words: as the police pay more attention to this group, she also thinks that it is possible to more frequently identify crimes.

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