And then Hanne van K3 makes a hilarious outing


Oops. Hanne van K3 may well be known for her cute outfits and child-friendly songs, as well as dirty lyrics. And that's what she did on the national radio of 'FC Niels & Wiels'. on Radio 2. By accident, to his dismay

Martha, Klaasje and Hanne always do their best to be cute and cute. because their target audience simply consists of children. Politely and eloquently, they did the interview, until Miguel Wiels suddenly published a piece of "Poop In Your Head", a song by Raggende Manne.

Hanne came out of her polite role with enthusiasm and sang the text loud and clear. with that. What an embarrassing moment when the music suddenly stopped. A lot to everyone's fun in the studio. "I wanted to censor a little, but she thought differently about it," said Miguel Wiels with laughter on his Instagram.

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