André Rieu receives no penalty for young pan flute players at a concert | Now


André Rieu does not have to pay a fine for the delivery of minor pipers, according to the State Council Wednesday on appeal. The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, Wouter Koolmees, imposed this fine.

According to the communique, "the minister has not demonstrated the existence of a link of authority between the company and the children, so that the". business does children can be taken into account and the minister has wrongly fined the company. "

The fine was imposed for violations as of 2015. At the traditional summer concert from Rieus to the Vrijthof in Maastricht, the Romanian virtuoso Gheorghe Zamfir was accompanied by his music. dance company.

A group of young bagpipe players under the age of 16 also belonged to this company. According to the Inspectorate of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), it was a violation of the law on child labor, because minors could no longer act after 23 hours.

The violinist declared the fine of more than 100,000 euros "low". The conductor says that he has not been warned beforehand. "It's only at the last concert that someone from the inspectorate came in and immediately punished us, which is very bland and nonsensical, but hey, it's like that." that our country is. " for kids. The court previously discussed the matter and ruled that the evidence provided by SZW was not sufficient and that Rieu did not have to pay a fine. The Minister did not accept the decision and appealed.

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