Angered on carrier who suddenly wakes up business


The FNV orders a lawsuit against a transport operator in Nieuwleusen, who sent the drivers on holiday yesterday and then canceled his company. The fourteen drivers of the carrier Dikken received Tuesday a letter from their boss in which they were sent with immediate effect on vacation. In the same letter, Dikken writes that his company has ceased to exist

The CNV and the transport branch organization Belangen Vereniging (TBV) are also investigating a lawsuit against the carrier. Coming on Saturday, there is a crisis board with the drivers.

According to RTV Oost, who holds the letter, Dikken points out that there is no bankruptcy or restart. The company ceases to exist. The entrepreneur refuses to make further comments, but says in the letter that he wants to devote more time to private business. He also gives his staff a duty of silence.


Also FNV Transport and Logistics' Onvlee Director receives no response. "We try to get in touch with Dikken, but he does not give in. I've already figured out that he's not totally affected by our arguments, and then only the judge stays" , she says. For Onvlee, the previous possible effect also plays a role: "It would be a bad thing if other carriers began to copy this way."

It is crucial for the FNV that Dikken acted on his own initiative and did not inform his plans in advance. Onvlee believes that the transport operator must continue to pay its drivers or must pay financial compensation.

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