Anouk was sterilized Entertainment


She relates this in AD . Anouk has six children of six children: Benjahmin (16), Elijah (14) Phoenix (13), Jesi (8) and Sion (4). His youngest daughter Jelizah (2), she had with her current friend, basketball coach and MMA fighter Dominique (23). "In fact, I wanted more children, preferably from a partner, but things went differently," she says.

"It does not matter.I have six healthy children.More will not come.This was quite difficult.Before Jelizah, I had several miscarriages.You did not must not defy fate. "Her friend suggested that she be allowed to sterilize, but she found the 23-year-old girl much too young for that. "And if something happens to me? Then, I can always hope that he still loves someone.And they still want children … He does not want to be there. to hear, but for me it's just over. That's good. "

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