AOW age should also not increase in 2024


The age at which we obtain an old-age pension should also not increase in 2024. This can be deduced from the latest figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the life expectancy of people over 65 years.

This would mean that in 2024, just as in the previous two years, are entitled to AOW if they are 67 years old and three months old. The cabinet has yet to make a decision on this.

Half a Month

By law, the retirement age from 2022 will increase with life expectancy. Statistics Netherlands expects people aged 65 to live on average 20.63 years in 2024. It is half a month longer than last year's forecast.

The increase in retirement is not very important, it is not necessary to raise the retirement age of three months. Last year, the government had already decided that the legal retirement age in 2023 would remain the same as in 2022.


Statistics Netherlands highlights the relatively high mortality rate caused by the flu wave early in the year. This had a negative impact on life expectancy. But as fewer women have died from lung cancer, there is a slight increase.

In the long term, the upward trend continues, according to CBS. In 2030, people aged 65 are still around 21 years old and four months old. This brings the age of AOW in 2030 to age 68, in line with expectations.

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