AP checks if organizations comply with privacy rules


The Dutch Data Protection Authority has opened a survey to see how 30 large private sector organizations are complying with the new EU privacy regulations. The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) has been in force since 25 May 2008.

The AVG requires organizations in certain situations to have a register of processing operations. It contains information about the personal data that the organizations process and the purpose for which they process the personal data. Organizations are required to provide the register if requested by the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

All organizations with more than 250 employees are required to have a register. For small organizations, this only applies if they systematically process data or process data that is highly risky for the rights and freedoms of those involved or processes special personal data. The Sample Personal Data Authority focuses on thirty large organizations in ten sectors spread across the Netherlands. Previously, the regulator had already verified whether government agencies had notified a data protection officer.

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