Asia Bibi is not allowed to leave Pakistan


Asia Bibi, the Pakistani who was acquitted of the blasphemy aroused by Wednesday's wrath on Islamist groups, is not allowed to leave the country at the moment. She has to wait for the examination of her appeal by the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

This is an agreement that the Pakistani government has signed with the Islamist party Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) on the night of Friday to Saturday. This party staged large-scale protests against the acquittal of Bibi last week. The 47-year-old Christian woman was justified on the basis of blasphemous statements she made in 2009. She was sentenced to death eight years ago, but this week three Supreme Court justices a different decision. Blasphemy would not have been proven

After this statement, demonstrations broke out in Pakistan, which persisted for three days. Some of the meetings ended in violence. Supporters of the fundamentalist TLP party called for the deaths of the three judges who had decided to release Bibi. Friday, the schools were closed by precaution. The Pakistani Minister of Religious Affairs has begun consultations with the TLP

Read more about Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws

A lawyer "does not know anything"

According to the # 39; AP Bibi news agency, the fate of this man was not known Friday. She and her family – Bibi has five children – would have hidden. Several Western countries, including the Netherlands, have offered asylum to a Christian woman. However, the new agreement with the TLP now promises that Bibi will stay in Pakistan, at least until his case has been re-examined. In any case, Bibi's lawyer fled the country. He accuses AFP of furious reactions to his acquittal "regrettable, but not unexpected". In Pakistan, he is no longer sure of his life and says, "I want to stay alive, as well as pursue the Asia Bibi criminal case".

The request to reopen the case would have already been filed in the Supreme Court. TLP supporters arrested at demonstrations released according to agreement with government, said party spokesman against AP

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