"At least 61 fighters died in Yemen during fighting with Hodeida"


At least 61 fighters, rebels and government army soldiers, have been killed since Saturday during fighting in the Yemeni city of Hodeida. Dozens of wounded were taken to hospitals outside the city

according to doctors and a military source, according to the press agency AFP . Medical staff of the coastal city of Hodeida reported that 43 Houthi rebels and nine government fighters had been killed since Saturday

Nine other fighters who died in the government were reported in the city of Mokha, south of Hodeida, confirmed a source of the government army in conversation AFP

According to a source at the Hodeida military hospital, dozens of wounded rebels were taken to hospitals in the provinces of Sanaa and Ibb east of the coastal city

More than four hundred fighters died days

In ten days, more than four hundred fighters were killed during the fighting in Hodeida. Hodeida is an important place for the supply of Yemen, as a very important port is located in the city. The city is occupied by Houthi rebels backed by Iran.

According to the United Nations, more than 10,000 people have died in the Yemeni civil war since 2015. More than two million people are on the run.

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